How To Deploy a json-server on render

How To Deploy a json-server on render

A short step by step by step guide to creating a JSON-DB server and deploying it on render

json-server is a tool for creating mock REST API fast! To get started, ensure you have the following requirements:

  1. NodeJS (npm)

Let's get started!

On an empty folder, initiate a nodejs application by running the following on your terminal/CMD:

npm init -y

Once that is complete, you install the following packages:

  • json-server

  • json-serve

  • cors

npm install json-server json-serve cors

After the installation, create a new file: index.js. This is the entry point for the json-serve. Add the following inside the file:

const jsonServer = require("json-server"); // importing json-server library
const server = jsonServer.create();
const router = jsonServer.router("db.json");
const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults();
const port = process.env.PORT || 3001; // you can use any port number here; i chose to use 3001



In the code above, a server has been created that will be fetching and updating data from a json file, db.json

In the project root, create a new file: db.json and add the following:

    "feedback": [
            "id": 1,
            "rating": 10,
            "user_name": "Tony Stark",
            "text": "You are the ironman of this world"
            "id": 2,
            "rating": 9,
            "user_name": "Bruce Wayne",
            "text": "You are the batman of this world"
            "id": 3,
            "rating": 8,
            "user_name": "Peter Parker",
            "text": "You are the spiderman of this world"

The mock server is ready to run, but let's add some scripts in package.json:

Update the "scripts" to:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.js"

Deploy On Render :-

Go To Site :-

  • Select Web Services

Select Web Services

  • Connect with Github

  • Go to Github create new repo

  • Clone this repo and create all files and installation of json-server all are mentioned in above.

  • push all the code on Github

  • Go To Render And Select Github Repo where push all json-server code

Click on create Web Service Button below

and wait few minutes for progress and enjoy

Hopefully this article useful for you , happy coding! || Like this article ♥

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